

Sara Pasternacki is a portuguese artist born in the year 2000. In the year 2022 she graduated from her bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from Escola Superior de Artes e Design in Portugal.

Her approach to art has been characterized by her interest in creating a bridge between our inner and outer worlds, to play and bring into the physical realm people's desires, fantasie
s, stories and experiences.

Since the end of her studies, Sara has been involved in many collaborative projects such as the organisation of workshops on writing and performance practices, curating group exhibitions and designing and publishing a multilingual zine as a member of the collective topo.grafiaaa. In these initiatives she along with her friends, has created spaces for people to connect with each other through art, spreading seeds for small communities to emerge from the desire to exchange knowledge beyond an artistic context.

For her projects her main concern is to create work that stimulates people’s imagination through environments that evoke the feeling of intimacy and conscious action. Exploring practices of care and rituals, her research finds its form and shapes in performance, drawing, installation and sculpture.





General Enquiries

For all enquiries relating to exhibitions, commissions or collaborations please email:



2018 + 2019

Next Art Centro de Formação Artística: Educational Programme Sculpture
Ar.co Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual: Etching Workshop
Little Art: Print Berlin: Experimental Print and Collage Workshop
The Makery: Fluid Art Workshop

Tape Art Academy: Tape Art Workshop
ESDIP Berlin: Collage Workshop with Jorge Chamorro
Goethe Institute: German level A.1

2021 + 2022

BA Fine Arts, ESAD: Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Portugal
Erasmus BA Mixed Media
, Luca School of Arts Ghent Belgium

2022-2023 Erasmus+ Intership at Dock11, Berlin, Germany

2023  Intership at Globe Aroma, Brussels, Belgium

October 2023- May 2024  Intership at Mercerie, Brussels, Belgium



Eletricidade Estética Gato Vermelho 6a Edição do Ciclo Performativo 03.11.2020, Sara Pasternacki e Lara Almeida – Somos os corpos que nos olham, performance 35 min. Plastic Ways of Seeing, ESAD.CR, November – December 2020 Eletricidade Estética, Gato Vermelho 5a Edição do Ciclo Performativo 10.03.2020, Sara Pasternacki – Relações que procuram forma, performance 120 min.


Estar Suspenso, Atelier 6 Centro das Artes 14.01.2021, Sara Pasternacki – Só nós, performance 34 min.
Ciclo de Exposições MATA 1a Edição 17.02.2021, Sara Pasternacki – Em ti, Video 5.02 min.
Festival Ofélia 10.5o Edição, Silos Contentor Criativo 20.05.2021, Sara Pasternacki and Inês Sousa – DiaLugar, performance 20min.
Shot #119 at S.H.O.Ts with an S (nomadic), Luca School of Arts Ghent 23.12.2021, Sara Pasternacki – Palavras Cruzadas and Canção da Vontade de Existir, Vídeo and Sound Piece.


Achtertuin, 019 Ghent from 06.02.2022 to 13.02.2022, Sara Pasternacki – Sussuro, Installation.
O eu na vida de todos os Dias, Graduation Show, ESAD.CR 2022, Sussuro, Installation.
Mayday Festival, 06.05.2022-08.05.2022,Ghent 
Caldas Late Night , Igreja do Espírito Santo 10.06.2022, Sara Pasternacki - Poço, Performance Todos os Dias, Galeria Nova Ogiva from 11.07.2022 to 11.09.2022, Sara Pasternacki and Sander Thijs,A Brincar, Video-Performance.


Caldas Late Night 27.05.2023, Farinha Mágica, performance,Caldas da Rainha, PT
Part of You, 16-18 june.2023, Choir Piece, performance,De Verffabrik,Ghent, BE
Grounded Festival, 14  october .2023, Strings of Connection, Performance with Inês Sousa,Utrecht, NL


Zine workshop with topografiaaa collective, 20+21 january.2024,House of Grownfunding,Brussels, BE
Topografiaaa Zine,  Ilustrations & Design + Launch @Mercerie 2024, Brussels, BE
À Flor de Pele, Festival (Pas si) Fragile! @Studio Thor 2024, Maison des Arts, Brussels, BE 24.04.2024, Sara Pasternacki & Matilde Frade, Performance 45 min.

FEMINISTISK SOMMERSOLHVERV, Onkel Dannys Plads, Copenhagen, Denmark 21 of June 2024, Sara Pasternacki – Sussuro, Installation.


2019 BAI Berlin Art Institute, Berlin, Germany
2021 Materiais.Diversos: NA PRÁTICA - ESCOLA DE VERÃO , Portugal
2022 Destelheide: Workshop MetaHumans by Amir Yatsiv, Belgium 2022 International School of Play: Workshop by John Mowat and Samuel Meyler, Lisbon, Portugal
2024 P.A.R.T.S SUMMER SCHOOL- SAL Collective Brussels, Belgium
2024 SAL Collective - DeMarkten Brussels, Belgium


Ciclo de Exposições MATA 1a Edição 16.02.2021 and 17.02.2021 – Student Council ESAD, PortugalPeople Are Not Political Weapons, Dinner and Art Fair 15.12.2021- Fundraiser to aid Refugees stuck between Polish and Belarus Borders - Luca School of Arts ,Belgium
Reinkommen with Aléna Birzele and Marie Hohloch, PROJECTIONS, 29.09.2023 - Artístic Direction and support, ADA.UFER STUDIOS, Berlin, Germany
Topografiaaa Zine Launch, Performances + Concert 2024 Mercerie, Brussels, BE


Peça interativa. (Ed.) Romana, Ana João 2020 – Edições da Sala 5,volX. Caldas da Rainha:Esad.cr/LIDA Não Estou Sozinha (Ed.) Azar Magazine 2022 – Azar 2ºEdition, Coimbra Instagram @azarmagaz
Planetary Embodiment (Ed.) 2023
Topografiaaa Zine (Ed.) Lilka Raikhline, Sidney Tan & Sara Pasternacki 2024 1ºEdition, Brussels, BE
